
Thank you for visiting the Official Blog Spot for AIS Alum. This Blog was created for the AIS Alum to keep in contact with one another. We encourage you to share this web address with other graduates from the ID Department at AIS that you may still be in contact with. Here we will be able to share what is going on in our careers, announce and coordinate upcoming events and continue networking while we are out in the field.

My name is Dante and as your moderator I will maintain the blog and modify it based on the groups input. Uwe Bergk (the brainchild of this blog) will also be an active participant in this group so that we may give him updates on how well our education prepared us for work in the industry.

Friday, December 14, 2007

1% Pro Bono + 99% A&D = 100% Great Cause

The 1%, a program of Public Architecture, connects nonprofits with architecture and design firms willing to give of their time 'pro bono'.

>>Potential impact

If every architecture professional in the U.S. committed 1% of their time to pro bono service, it would add up to 5,000,000 hours annually - the equivalent of a 2,500-person firm, working full-time for the public good.

>> Background

Launched by Public Architecture in 2005 with the support of a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, The 1% is a first-of-its-kind effort to encourage pro bono service within the architecture and design professions.

>> Pro bono defined

The 1% program defines pro bono service to be professional services rendered in the public interest without expectation of a fee or with a significant reduction in fees.

>> Pro bono Clients

The 1% program focuses primarily on 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations as appropriate pro bono clients. These organizations have been relieved of their tax burden in recognition of the societal benefit that they provide.
I would encourage anyone who is interested to go to the web site and see the range of projects that have been undertaken. To get involved CLICK HERE